Frequently Asked Questions

Simply select the desired product, add to cart, go to checkout, log in or register, enter address and select the desired method of payment. Place your order and you are ready!
Within the next few minutes you will receive an acknowledgment of receipt and within 24 hours the order confirmation or shipping confirmation takes place.
If you have not received an acknowledgment of receipt / order confirmation, please also check the spam folder of your e-mail account.
From time to time our emails may get stuck in the spam directory.

We offer you the possibility to pay by Klarna (sofortü, Paypal and bank transfer.
Shipping always takes place after receipt of money.

Yes! Because for us it goes without saying that customer data and orders are treated confidentially and therefore encrypted. We use a certified and fully developed SSL certificate to ensure a secure and safe shopping.

The product is currently sold out. As a rule, a date is noted on the product page as of when the product is available again.
We will gladly inform you by email as soon as the desired product is available again!

Please send us an email via our contact form and describe briefly what is not working. We will contact you immediately.

First and foremost, we think windsurfing has to be affordable.
It makes no sense to finance an expensive team, to do photoshoots in paradises if the price for the customer becomes more and more expensive.
In addition, we work on a distribution system that reduces unnecessary costs.
Therefore, with the same quality, we pass the price advantage directly to the customer.
By the way, this does not mean that we do not get jobs in the country. Advertising, printing, design, logistics and many more are jobs that we receive.

Yes, but we only work with a few selected surf shops per country. This dealer network is currently under construction.

Usually the ordered goods will be delivered within 2 – 5 days, for deliveries abroad within 5 – 7 days after order confirmation (with agreed advance payment after the time of your payment order).
Important! No delivery on Sundays or public holidays.

Sure! We supply enemii products to the following countries:
Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, England, Spain, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal .. other countries on request

Sure! For an additional charge of 19.90 € we also offer express shipping. If by 14 clock the order / payment is received will be shipped the same day.

You have received a shipping confirmation, but your order has not arrived yet? Usually the delivery time takes 2 – 5 working days. However, if the goods are not yet with you after 5 days, please let us know by e-mail and we will take care of it immediately!

Please contact us before returning. We will then clarify everything else with you.
Prepaid returns will not be accepted.

In case of a complaint, please use our dedicated form. This makes a quick and easy processing possible and we can respond quickly to your complaint.

enemii masts have a constant curve and are therefore suitable for almost most sail brands.
We will be happy to tell you by email or by phone with which sailing brands enemii masts are compatible.

enemii mast are Constant Curve.
Bottom 62% and top 75% flex. You will also find all values ​​in our mast descriptions.

Enemii are high-tech products that require care and careful treatment to ensure a long lifetime.
enemii extensions and masts should be rinsed after use and freed from sand, salt and dirt.
Das Segel nach Gebrauch wieder abriggen und den Mast nicht aufgebaut im Segel über Nacht bzw. längere Zeit lagern.
Avoid sunlight.
In order to prevent sand in the connector of the mast, we recommend to wrap the connector with a piece of tape.

Tell us what bothers you and with which enemii product you are dissatisfied. Because only through your feedback, we can further improve our products.
We will then try to solve the problem to your satisfaction!

Enjoy the days on the water and recommend us!

No problem! Just use the contact form or call us and we’ll be happy to help you!

Did not find it? Then go to the contact page and write us, we’ll help you as soon as possible.